Sunday, 17 August 2014

SDA 2014 Innerleithen Round 6

Ewan reports from Innerleithen.

Friday- On the course walk we were two men short as Al and Alastair were going off to Hafjell in Norway for the Masters World Champs. The course had been taped on mainly the Gold Run with a new loamy pedally section with loads of new bus stops then into Matador, over the jumps and into the gully at the bottom and across the road to the finish.

Saturday- the track on Saturday was mainly dry with a few wet patches and it rutted in a lot better than I expected and my Nukeproof Scalp was feeling great - holding and railing every rut brilliantly.
Sunday- The track had not changed since Saturday apart from a few holes that had been filled in which made the track even better. After the two practice runs it was time for racing. I did not have the best first run with a crash on the first corner and it was a similar story for Keir. Neil was the only one to make it down with a decent run. After watching some gopro footage of the course, I put in a good run to take 10th in Youth with a 3:51. Keir put in a solid performance with a 3:49 to take 11th in Junior and Neil with 3:41 to take 3rd step on the podium in Vets. Good Luck to Neil and Alastair for the Master World Champs in Hafjell.

Thanks to Marked Mediahouse for the images.

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