Thursday, 2 April 2015

Neil, Down & Out in Tweed Valley Hill

After our last blog where we reported Neil's training accident a lot of folks have been kindly asking after him.
Being a true team member, Neil managed to sneak away from the nurses and get himself along to Inners SDA to support his team mates.
Heres a wee report from the man himself.........

After a lot of time spent training on the bike and in the gym and with my new Nukeproof Pulse set up and ready to go , the first round of the 2015 race season – an SDA Race at Innerleithen couldn't come soon enough. Unfortunately , while putting in some last minute training last week, I had a trip over the handlebars, landing on my back and requiring a trip to the hospital. Nothing was broken but it will take a few weeks to recover enough to ride .

I was very lucky that it wasn't anything serious and I am very aware that it could have been much worse - a trip to A&E and a stay in hospital where some folk are in a much worst state is a great reminder of how lucky we are to be fit and healthy enough to ride our bikes.

Anyway, I didn't want to miss out on all the fun at the race so I managed to hobble along and watch on both days. Although it was frustrating not to be able to join in , it was great to see lots of friends from racing that I hadn't seen over the winter. I can't say much about the track as I only saw the finish line but from the states of the bikes and everyone's faces it looked muddy but fun! I know Ewan has been riding well as I've struggled to keep up with him in all the training rides we've done and as always Alastair was going well. I was glad to be able to make it to the race to watch but I am looking forward to when I can ride again much more…

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